Romano Prodi

President of Foundation for World Wide Cooperation with the headquarters in Bologna (Italy)

1975 – 1995 — Professor of political economics in University of Bologna. 1974 — Visiting professor in Harvard University and Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

1996-1998, 2006-2008 — Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy and the lead candidate of the Olive Tree coalition.

1999-2005 — President of the European Commission.

July 2008 – 2010, he was appointed to the position of President of UN Expert High Panel, President  of the African Union-UN peacekeeping panel by the UN Secretary General and worked in the position until 2010.

2009-2013 — Visiting professor in Brown University (USA).

2010-2013 – he was appointed to the position of Professor of International Business School China –Europe (CEIBS) in Shanghai and worked in the position until 2010.
